Legislative Network
State Legislature
The North Dakota State Legislature meets biannually, or every two years for 80 days. You can find your district and district representatives here . While the Legislature is in session, you can follow their meetings and agendas while in progress through North Dakota Legislative Daily link below.
Federal Legislation
Younger generations may not remember Schoolhouse Rock, but how a bill becomes a law is still a relevant clip. Your voice, support, advocacy for benefits, programs, healthcare and transition services for veterans make all this possible for VA systems and Veterans across the States. Learn how you can get involved below.
DAV's Commander's Action Network

For almost a century, DAV has been advocating for better federal veterans programs, benefits, health care and transition services for the men and women who served, their families and survivors. DAV’s National Legislative Department takes the resolutions adopted by DAV members at our annual National Conventions to Congress to advocate for improved federal laws, regulations and policies of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other federal agencies whose programs support the veteran population. In the 115th Congress, a number of DAV’s key legislative priorities were enacted, including the historic VA MISSION Act, a bill to reform and strengthen the VA health care system and expand VA’s caregiver program to all eras of veterans. In addition, new legislation was approved to modernize the claims and appeals process, and improve earned benefits for veterans, their families and survivors. To see our second session 116th Legislative Goals check out Operation: Keep the Promise and more legislative work our National Team is doing on Capitol Hill.

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